With a better understanding of hacking you get a better understanding of defence against hacking. To know your enemy is to defeat him/her.

It’s difficult to separate hacking from cyber security. The two areas are closely intertwined with cyber security being the inverse of hacking. Hacking attempts to subvert a system and cyber security attempts to shield a system from subversion. I can’t say this this section makes this separation completely however most material deals exclusively with subversion and less with prevention, although there are some exceptions. The intent is to bring forward those explicit tools and techniques which support and facilitate subversion. In this regard there are some excellent resources, mostly among the book listing.

The different sections can be categorized as follows:

  • Articles: Have little technical heft and can be considered as light reading.
  • Research & Reports: Requires a level of expertise ranging from familiar to experienced.
  • Books: Surveys and didactic material suitable for in-depth learning. Generally texts with large heft.
  • Resources: Other web sites containing matrial similar to this page. Allows extanded learning.
  • References: Additional material nnot directly related to cyber security.
  • Articles
    10 ways to protect against hackers
    A neat new way to attack military problems: ‘Hacking for Defense’
    Buildings your own Hacking Lab
    Ethical Hacking Penetration Testing Overview
    Data Security: Top Threats to Data Protection
    Defense Against the Black Arts: How Hackers Do What They Do and How to Protect Against It
    Download 10 Best Android Hacking Apps for Android Mobile in 2016
    Ethical Hacking and the Legal System
    Ethical Hacking Techniques to Audit and Secure Web-enabled Applications
    Game of Drones
    Introduction to Ethical Hacking
    “Hack the Pentagon ” Fact Sheet – June 1 7, 2016
    Hacking Back Without Cracking Up
    Hacking for defense
    If Trump Wants a ‘Hacking Defense’ Strategy, He Should Just Use Obama’s
    New hacks, new defenses: Latest tips to protect against data breaches
    Protecting Your Computer and Your Identity
    Protection against Hacking – Technique / Tools
    The Red Queen Problem – Innovation in the DoD and Intelligence Community
    Web Services Hacking and Hardening
    With C.I.A. Hacking Revelations, How to Protect Your Devices
    Top 10 Protected PDF Hacks
    Research & Reports
    Counter-Attacks for Cybersecurity Threats
    Cyber Security Planning Guide
    Ethical Hacking
    Footprinting: What is it and How Do You Erase Them
    Hackback: Permitting Retaliatory Hacking by Non-State Actors as Proportionate Countermeasures to Transboundary Cyberharm
    Honeyfiles: Deceptive Files for Intrusion Detection
    Innovative Defense: An Overview of the Debate and a Way Forward
    Into the Gray Zone The Private Sector and Active Defense Against Cyber Threats
    Off-Path Hacking: The Illusion of Challenge-Response Authentication
    Network Attack and Defense
    Security Investment, Hacking, and Information Sharing between Firms and between Hackers
    The Google Hacker’s Guide
    Ethics of Hacking Back
    Facebook Hacking
    Gray Hat Hacking
    Hacking Exposed Fifth Edition: Network Security Secrets & Solutions
    Hacking Into Computer Systems
    Hardware Hacking
    History and Impact of Hacking
    Penetration Testing: A Hands-on Introduction to Hacking
    The Web Application Hacker’s Handbook
    Ross Anderson
    Best Hacking Books for 2017
    Hacking Book Resource
    Hacking Matter: Multimedia Edition
    Journal of European Security and Defense Issues