There is no endorsement for any product, corporation, strategy, goal or article of faith. This page displays books, research, articles, and math relevant to investing. If you make a million, I do not expect any benefit. If you lose a million, I do not expect any penalty. The information is here for you to use as you will.
Investing deals with money. Now the funny thing about money is that if you have it, everyone wants it. In this light, much of the material presented comes from resources designed to separate you from your money in one or more ways, some to your benefit. Institutions presented here include Fidelity, Vanguard, J.P. Morgan and others. Do not mistake the presentation of information from these resources as advocacy on my part for them. It is not.
I have a little document called “Pessimist’s Guide to Investing” which goes through some steps which I feel should be looked at as you go through life wondering what’s happening. It identifies some areas for concern and tries to put some semblance of order to them. Since this is mine, it will probably go through ‘continuous improvement’. Please, if you look at it, send me your thoughts. What should be in. What should be out. And what I spelled or said incorrectly.
The field is large and varied. This is just a sampling. As the girth grows I will seek to codify the results better by organizing them into related topics of interest.