Abstract Algebra
Book Title
A Book of Abstract Algebra Pinter
A Computational Introduction to Number Theory and Algebra Shoup
A Concree Introduction to Higher Algebra Childs
A Course in Homological Algebra Hilton
A Course in Universal Algebra Burris
A First Course in Abstract Algebra Fraleigh
A First Course in Group Theory Kar
A Primer of Algebraic D modules Coutinho
A Primer of Commutative Algebra Milne
A Survey of Modern Algebra Birkoff
A Taste of Jordan Algebras McCrimmon
A Term of Commutative Algebra Altman
Abels Theorem in Problems & Solutions Aledseev
Abstract Algebra Theory and Applications Judson
Abstract Algebra: A Study Guide for Beginners Beachy
Abstract Algebra: An Introduction Hungerford
Advanced Modern Algebra Rotman
Algebraic Number Theory Milne
Algebraic Number Theory: A Computational Approach Stein
Algorithmic Algebra Mishra
An Introduction to Homological Algegra Rotman
Applications of Abstract Algebra with MAPLE Klima
Classification and Representation of Semi-Simple Jordan Algebras Jacobson
Clifford Algebras and Spinors Casselman
Clifford Algebras and Spinors Todorov
Commutative Algebra Clark
Commutative Algebra Madapusi
Commutative Algebra: Constructive Methods Lombardi
Contemporary Abstract Algebra Gallian
D= Perverse Sheaves and Representation Theory Modules
Elementary Abstract Algebra Clark
Fields and Galois Theory Milne
Galois Theory of Linear Differential Equations Put
Groups – Rings and Fields Fiesele
Groups and Symmetry Baker
Handbook of Algebra Vol. 1 Hazewinkel
Handbook of Algebra Vol. 3 Hazewinkel
Handbook of Algebra Vol. 4 Hazewinkel
Handbook of Algebra Vol. 5 Hazewinkel
Hecke Algebras Bump
Homological Algebra Swanson
Introduction to Abstract Algebra Paulin
Introduction to Algebraic Number Theory Steim
Introduction to Modern Algebra Joyce
Jordan Algebras and their Applications McCrimmon
Lecture Notes for Abstract Algebra I Cook
Lecture Notes in Algebraic Topology Kirk
Lectures on Algebraic Theory of D Modules
Lectures on Non-Commutative Rings Anderson
Matsumura: Commutative Algebra Murfet
Non-linear Differential Galois Theory Lei
Notes on Abstract Algebra Perry
Notes on Group Theory ji Reeder
On Bases of Some Simple Modules of Symmetric Groups and Hecke Algebras Boeck
Robinson-Schensted-Knuth Insertion and Characters of Cyclomatic Hecke Algebras Cantrell
Structure and Representation of Noncommutative Jordan Algebras McCrimmon
Symmetries of Equations: An Introduction to Galois Theory Everitt
The Irreducible Characters of the Alternating Hecke Algebras Mathias
Topics in Algebra Herstein

Algebraic Geometry
Book Title
A Course on Convex Geometry Hug
Abelian Varieties Conrad
Abelian Varieties Milne
Abelian Varieties Moonen
Algebraic Curves Fulton
Algebraic Curves and Riemann Surfaces Miranda
Algebraic Geometry Milne
Algebraic Geometry and Riemann Surfaces Yang
An Introduction to Complex Algebraic Geometry Peters
An Introduction to Geometric Algebra with an Application in Rigid Body Mechanics Vold
An Introduction To Riemann Surfaces Schlichenmaier
Basic Modern Algebraic Geometry Holme
Classical Algebraic Geometry: A Modern View Dolgachev
Combinatorial Convexity and Algebraic Geometry Ewald
Commutative Algebra: with a View Toward Algebraic Geometry Eisenbud
Foundations of Algebraic Geometry Vakil
Geometric Algebra, Algebraic Curves And Moduli Spaces Chisolm
Geometry of Algebraic Curves Atanasov
Introduction to Abelian Varieties and Mordell-Lang conjecture Hindry
Introduction to Algebraic Geometry Dolgachev
Introduction to Algebraic Geometry Drozd
Introduction to Algebraic Surfaces Perego
Introduction to Algebraic Topology and Algebraic Geometry Bruzzo
Lecture Notes on Algebraic Geometry Lecture Notes on Algebraic Geometry MattKerr
Lectures on Moduli of Curves Gieseker
Moduli of Curves Harris
On the Arithmetic of Abelian Varieties Milne
Riemann Surfaces Donaldson
Riemann Surfaces and Algebraic Curves JWR
The Geometry of Syzygies Eisenbud
Topics in Algebraic Geometry I – Abelian Varieties Bhat

Applied Mathematics
Book Title
A Level Pure Mathematics 1 Neill
A level Pure Mathematics 2 & 3 Neill
Advanced Calculus Kaplan
Advanced Calculus for Applications Hildebrand
Applied Calculus Calaway
Applied Mathematics for Advanced Level Mulholland
Applied Mathematics One Ketema
Chaos:Classical and Quantum Cvitanovi?c,
Chaos Theory: Two Essays on Market Anarchy Murphy
Chaos Theory and Organization Thietart
Higher Engineering Mathematics Bird
Introduction to Methods of Applied Mathematics Mauch
Lecture Notes on Applied Mathematics Hunter
Methods of Applied Mathematics Arbogast
Music: A Mathematical Offering Benson
Operational Methods Applied Mathematics Carslaw
Topics in Applied Mathematics and Nonlinear Waves Jakobsen
Techniques of Applied Mathematics Fowler

Book Title
A Summary of Calculus Dovermann
Active Calculus Boelkins
Calculus Anton
Calculus Guichard
Calculus Strang
Calculus Thomas
Calculus Applications and Theory Kuttler
Calculus Concepts and Contexts Stewart
Calculus I Dawkins
Calculus I Marsden
Calculus I for Computer Science and Statistics Students Philip
Calculus II Dawkins
Calculus II Marsden
Calculus III Dawkins
Calculus III Marsden
Calculus Made Easy Thompson
Calculus: A Modern Approach Beyer
Difference Equations to Differential Equations: An Introduction to Calculus Sloughter
Differential and Integral Calculus
Elementary Calculus: An Approach Using Infinitesimals Keisler
Introduction to Calculus V.1 Heinbockel
Introduction to Calculus V.2 Heinbockel
Reform Calculus: Part I Finan
Schaum’s Outlines: Calculus 5th Ed.
Single Variable Calculus – Early Transcendentals Guichard
Single Variable Calculus – Late Transcendentals Guichard
Undertanding Basic Calculus Chung
Vector Calculus Marsden

Differential Calculus
Book Title
A Collection of Problems in Differential Calculus Jungic
Differential Calculus NARAYAN
Differential Calculus of Several Variables Perkinson
Lepler’s Laws with an Introduction to Differential Calculus Plakhotnyk

Integral Calculus
Book Title
Integral Calculus Agarwal
Integral Calculus Formula Shee

Multivariable Calculus
Book Title
Active Calculus Multivariable Schlicker
Multivariable Calculus Cain
Multivariable Calculus Cook
Multivariable Calculus Herod
Multivariable Calculus Larson
Multivariable Calculus Shurman
Multivariable Calculus Stewart

Advanced Calculus
Book Title
Acvanced Calculus
Advanced Calculus
Advanced Calculus Buck
Advanced Calculus Kaplan
Advanced Calculus Loomis
Advanced Calculus Taylor
Advanced Calculus Weikard
Advanced Calculus Demystified Bachman
Advanced Calculus for Applications Hildebrand
Advanced Mathematics for Engineers Ertel
Analysis I Tao
Analysis II Tap
Calculus on Manifolds A Modern Approach to Classical Theorems of Advanced Calculus Spivak
Functional Analysis Rudin
Multivariable Advanced Calculus Kuttler
Principles of Mathematical Analysis Rudin
Real and Complex Analysis Rudin
Schaum’s Outline: Advanced Calculus Wede

Book Title
PreCalculus Abramson
PreCalculus with Limits Larson
PreCalculus: Workbook for Dummies Bureger
PreCalculus Larson
PreCalculus Stitz
PreCalculus Tradler
PreCalculus An Investigation of Functions Lippman

Cellular Automata
Book Title
An Intoduction to Cellular Automata Sipper
Cellular Automata
Cellular Automata and Discrete Complex Systems
Cellular Automata as Models of Complexity Wolfram
Cellular Automata Machines Margolus
Cellular Automata Theory and Physics Ostoma
Introduction to Cellular Automata Schiff
Introduction to Cellular Automaton Nasirifar
Nonuniform Cellular Automata Von Zuben
Open Problems and Projects Wolfram
Random Sequence Generation by Cellular Automata Wolfram
Reliable Cellular Automata with Self Organization Gacs
Statistical Mechanics cellular automata Wolfram
Tables of Cellular Automaton Properties Wolfram
The Encyclopedia of Integer Sequences Sloan
Theory and Applications of Cellular Automata Nandi
Theory and Application of Cellular Automaton for Pattern Classification Maji
Universality and Complexity in Cellular Automata Wolfram
Universality in Elementary Cellular Automata Cook

Technical Articles
Book Title
2D Elementary Cellular Automata with Four Neighbors Freitas
A Brief History of Cellular Automata Sarkar
A Cellular Automaton Framework for Infectious Disease Spread Simulation Pfeifer
A New Kind of Science: Ten Years Later Bailey
Algebraic Properties of Cellular Automaton Wolfram
Algebraic Theory of Bouonded One dimensional Cellular Automaton Pitsianis
Cellular Automata Wolfram
Cellular Automata aand Finite Groups Ramirez
Cellular Automata and Applications Andrews
Cellular Automata and Complexity Andrews
Cellular Automata and Finite Groups Ramirez
Cellular Automata as Simple Self Organizing Systems Wolfram
Cellular Automata for Simulation in Games Ramirez
Cellular Automata for Traffic Flow Modelling Benjaafar,
Cellular Automata: Is Rule 30 Random Gage
Cellular Automata: Tutorial Kari
Cellular Automaton Fluids 1: Basic Theory Wolfram
Coexistence of Dynamics for Two Dimensional Cellular Automata Severino
Cognitive Cellular Automata Mandik
Complex System Modeling by Discrete Automata Kroc
Complex System Theory Wolfram
Complexity Measures and Cellular Automata Lindgren
Computaion in Cellular Automata: A selected review Mitchell
Computation Theory in Cellular Automata Wolfram
Cryptography by Cellular Automata Applebau
Cryptography Using Three-Dimensional Cellular Automata (3D CA) Alezzani,
Cryptography with Cellular Automata Wolfram
Data Mining with Cellular Automata Fawcett
Deep Reservoir Computing Using Cellular Automata> Nichele
Design of Efficient Full Adder in Quantum-Dot Cellular Automata Sen
Elementary Cellular Automata wih Memory Alonso-Sanz
Elementary Cellular Automata wih Memory Letourneau
Evolving Robust Asynchronous Cellular Automata for the Density Task Tomassini
Finite Automata Their Algebras Biichi
Geometry of Binomial Coefficients Wolfram
Invertible Cellular Automaton Culik
k-neighborhood for Cellular Automata Zaitsev
Linear Time Algorithm for Identifying the Invertibility of Null Boundary Three Neighborhood Cellular Automata Maiti
Nonuniform Cellular Automata for Cryptography Tomassini
One Dimensional Cellular Automata Wolfram
Partitioning of Cellular Automaton Rule Spaces Obando
Pseudorandom Pattern Generation by a 4 Neighborhood Cellular Automata Based on a Probabilistic Analysis Seth
Quantum -dot Cellular Automata Adders Wang
Quantum Cellular Automata Mavroudi
Simulating City Growth by using the Cellular Automata Algorithm Mavroudi
The Algebraic Structure of Cellular Automata Rhodes
Twenty Problems in the Theory of Cellular Automata Wolfram
Universal Computation in Simple One-Dimensional Cellular Automata Lindgren

Less Technical Articles
Book Title
A Colorful Introduction to Cellular Automata Capobianco
Cellular Automata Offer A New Outlook on Life- the Universe and Everthing Jen
Cellular Automata: Basic Intro Tesfatsion
Complex Dynamics Emerging in Rule 30 with Majority Memory Mart
Morphology and Dynamics of Galaxies Kent
Wheels – Life and other Mathematical Amusements Gardner

Cellular Automata Surveys
Book Title
A Survey of the use of cellular automata and cellular automata – like models for simulating a population of biological cells Knutson
A Survey on Cellular Automata Gangul
A Survey on Cellular Automata and Its Applications Das
A Survey on Two Dimensional Cellular Automata and Its Application in Image Processing Nayak
Computation in Cellular Automata:A Selected Review Mitchell
Introduction to and Survey of Cellular Automata or Polyautomata Theory Smith
Quantum-dot Cellular Automata (QCA): A Survey Mehta
Theory of cellular automata :A survey Kari
Universalities in cellular automata; a (short) survey Ollinger

Cellular Automata Software
Book Title
JCASim: Cellular automata simulation system Weimer

Differential Algebra
Book Title
Asymptotic Differential Algebra Aschenbrenner
Differential algebra on lattice Green functions and Calabi Yau operators Boukra
Differential Algebraic Lie Algebras Cassidy
Differential Algebraic Topology Kreck
Notes on Differential Algebra Dale
Stability criteria for nonlinear fully implicit differential-algebraic systems Menrath

Ordinary Differential Equations
Book Title
An Introduction to Stochastic Differential Equations Evans
Differential Equations
Dynamical Systems $amp; An Introduction to Chaos Hirsch
Differential Equations Forsyth
Differential Equations Selick
Elementary Differential Equations and Boundary Value Problems Boyce
Elementary Differential Equations with Boundary Value Problems Trench
Differential Equations and Linear Algebra Malham
Introduction to Differential Equations Chasnov
Introduction to the Galois Theory of Linear Differential Equations Singer
Introduction to Ordinary and Partial Differential Equations Shen
Lectures on Differential Equations Tracy
Linear Differential Equations Danecls
Numerical Methods for Ordinary Differential Equations Butcher
Ordinary Differential Equations Ionascu
Schaum’s Outlines: Differential Equations
Second Order Linear Differential Equations

Parital Differential Equations
Book Title
A First Course in Partial Differential Equations Weinberger
Applied Partial Differential Equations Haberman
Entropy and Partial Differential Equations Evans
Existence, Multiplicity, Perturbation and Concentration Results for a Class of Quasi-Linear Elliptic Problems
Harmonic Analyss and Partial Differential Equations Dahlberg
Numerical Methods in Partial Differential Equations
Partial Differential Equations Ivrii
Partial Differential Equations Mersermann
Linear Partial Differential Equations and Fourier Theory Pivato
Transforms Methods for Solving Partial Differential Equations

Discrete Mathematics
Book Title
A First Course in Discrete Mathematics Anderson
Algegraic Number Theory Mollin
An Introduction to Combinatorics and Graph Theory Guichard
Applied Finite Mathematics Applied Finite Mathematics Sekhon
Discrete and Combinatorial Mathematics Grimaldi
Discrete Mathematics Gallier
Discrete Mathematics Lov?asz
Discrete Mathematics and its Applications Rosen
Discrete Mathematics DeMystified Krantz
Discrete Mathematics for Computer Science Haggard
Discrete Mathematics: An Open Introduction Levin
Finite Mathematics waner
Finite Mathematics
Handbook of Discrete and Combinatorial Mathematics Rosen
Mathematics for Computer Science Lehman
Mathematics: A Discrete Introduction Scheinerman
Notes on Discrete Mathematics Lerma

Game Theory
Book Title
A Cominatorial Game Theoretic Analysis of Chess Endgames Wu
A Course in Game Theory Osborne
A Short Introduction to Game Theory Hotz
Algorithmic Game Theory Hotz
An Introduction to Game Theory Koc?kesen
An Introduction to Game Theory Osborne
Essentials of Game Theory Brachman,
Game Theory Alive
Game Theory Ferguson
Game Theory Karlin
Game Theory Turocy
Game Theory Through Examples Prisner
Game Theory: Analysis of Conflict Myerson
Game Theory: Lecture Notes Griffin
Introduction to Game Theory Cave
Logic and the Foundations of Game and Decision Theory Bonanno
Multiagent Systems: Algorithmic Game-Theoretic and Logical Foundations Shoham
Political Game Theory McCarty
The Compleat Strategyst Williams
Theory Of Games And Economic Behavior Neumann
Theory of Games: an Introduction Raoof

Graph Theory
Book Title
Algebraic Graph Theory Goetzberger
An Introduction to Combinatorics and Graph Theory Guichard
Fractional Graph Theory Scheinerman
Graph Theory Axenovich
Graph Theory Diestel
Graph Theory Leighton
Graph Theory Ruohonen
Lecture Notes on Graph Theory Harju

Research & Reports
Book Title
An Introduction to Spectral Graph Theory Jiang
Basics of Graph Theory
Intersection Graphs: An Introduction Pai
Lectures on Spectral Graph Theory Chung

Graph Theory Articles
Book Title
An Introduction to Algebraic Graph Theory Beezer
Graph Theory and Application Dooren
Graph Theory Tutorial
Introduction to Graph Theory Dickson
Introduction to Graph Theory Samatova

Algebra 1
Book Title
Prealgebra Textbook Arnold
California Algebra 1
Algebra 1 Larson
Algebra 1 Schierer
Elementary Algebra Redden
Equations and Inequalities

Algebra 2
Book Title
Advanced Algebra 2
Algebra and Trigonometry Abramson
Algebra 2 and Trigonometry Gantert
Glencode Algebra 2

College Algebra
Book Title
Beginning and Intermediate Algebra Wallace
College Algebra Abramson
College Algebra Sathaye
College Algebra Stitz
College Algebra
College Algebra for STEM Finan
Lecture Notes: College Algebra Lee

Book Title
A Textbook for High School Students Studying Maths. FHSST
Compiled and Solved Problems in Geometry and Trigonometry Smarandache
Course of Analytical Geometry Sharipov
Elementary College Geometry Africk
Euclid’s ‘Elements’ Redux Callahan
Fundamentals of Geometry Belyaev
Geometry Heinbockel

Book Title
An Investigation of Functions Lippman
Calculus I Dawkins
Pre-Calculus 12
First Semester Calculus Angenent
Pre-Calculus: Mathematics for Calculus Stewart
Pre-Calculus Abramson
Pre-Calculus Collingwood
Pre-Calculus Kuniyuki
Pre-Calculus Stitz
Pre-Calculus Sullivan
Pre-Calculus Tradler
Pre-Calculus An Investigation of Functions Lippman
Pre-Calculus with Geometry and Trigonometry Sathaye
Pre-Calculus: Workbook for Dummies Bureger
Pre-Calculus with Limits Larson

Book Title
A Semester Course in Trigonometry Finan
College Trigonometry Stitz
Compiled and Solved Problems in Geometry and Tronometry
CK-12 Trigonometry Landers
Plane Trigonometry Dresden
Spherical Trigonometry Todunter
The Young Trigonometer’s Compleat Guide Being the Mystery and Rationale of Spherical Trigonometry Made Clear and Easy
Trigonometry Corral
Trigonometry Lenov
Trigonometry Sundstrom
Trigonometry Notes Sy

Geometry for Elementary School
Book Title
Geometry Notes Acellus
Geometry I Lecture Notes Salamon
Introduction to the Geometry of the Triangle Yiu
Plane Geometry Wentworth
The Pythagorean Theorem: Crown Jewel of Mathematics Sparks

Linear Algebra
Book Title
A First Course in Linear Algebra Beezer
Applied and Computational Linear Algebra Byrne
Applied Linear Algebra and Matrix Analysis Axler
Applied Numerical Linear Algebra Dammel
Compact Numerical Methods for Computers Nash
Elementary Abstract Algebra Clark
Exercises and Problems in Linear Algebra Erdman
Fundamentals of Linear Algebra Carrell
Fundamentals of Linear Algebra Gallier
Fundamentals of Matrix Algebra Harmann
Introduction to Applied Linear Algebra Boyd
Introduction To Linear Algebra Pik
Introduction to Linear Algebra Strang
Kernel Structure of Block Hankel and Toeplitz Matrices Heinig
Linear Algebra Cherney
Linear Algebra Hefferon
Linear Algebra Hoffman
Linear Algebra Lipschutz
Linear Algebra and Its Applications Strang
Linear Algebra and Multidimensional Geometry Efimov
Linear Algebra Application ~ MarkovChains Berger
Linear Algebra As an Introduction to Abstract Mathematics Lankham
Linear Algebra Done Right Axler
Matrix Algebra: Theory – Computations and Applications in Statistics Casella
Matrix Analysis Horn
Matrix Analysis and Applied Linear Algebra Meyer
Numerical Linear Algebra Mehrmann,
The Inverses of Block Hankel and Block Toeplitz Matrices Labahnt
Toeplitz Operators Axler

Linear Programming
Book Title
A Modern Approach to Operations Management Roy
An Introduction to Linear Programming Miller
An Introduction to Linear Programmng and Game Theory Thie
Introduction to Linear Optimization Bertsimas
Introduction to Mathematical Optimization Robinson
Linear and Nonlinear Programming Luenberger
Linear Programming Ferguson
Linear Programming Goemans
Linear Programming Islam
Linear Programming
Linear Programming
Linear Programming Notes Lee
Linear programming, graphically
Linear Programming, Lagrange Multipliers, and Duality Gordon
Linear Programming and Extensions ch. (1-8) Dantzig
Linear Programming znd Extensions ch. (9-20) Dantzig
Linear Programming and Extensions ch. (21-29) Dantzig
Linear Programming and Network Flows Bazaraa
Linear Programming Foundations and Extensions Vangerbei
Linear Programming: Theory and Applications Lewis
Transportation Problem: A Special Case for Linear Programming Reeb

Markov Chains
Book Title
An Intrduction to Markov Chains Tolver
An Introduction to Markov Chain Monte Carlo Hohendor
Foundations of Data Science Blum
Handbook of Markov Chain Monte Carlo Brooks
Inntroduction to Markov Chains Geyer
Introduction to Markov chains Behrends
Markov Chains Mitta;
Markov Chains Yale
Markov Chains
Markov Chains – Norris Peres
Markov chains – Statistical Laboratory
Markov Chains and Mixing Times Levin
Markov Chains Monte Carlo in Practice Gilks
Markov Chains Monte Carlo Simulation
Stochastic Processes

Markov Chains Articles
Book Title
A Brief Introducion to Markov Chains and Hidden Markov Models MacKenzie
An Introduction to Hidden Markov Models Rabiner
An Introduction to Markov Chains Pratiksha
An Introduction to Markov Modelling Boyd
An Introduction to MCMC for Machine Learning Amdrieu
Introduction to Markov chains Soni
Introduction to Markov Models Ramos
Likelihood-free Markov chain Monte Carlo Sosspm
Markov Chains Istban
Markov Chains Notes Leveque
Markov Chains Notes Weckesser
Markov Chains: An Introduction/Review Siri
Markov Chains: Introduction
Skip-free Markov Chains Choi

Markov Chains Software
Book Title
JAGS: Just Another Givvs Sampler
Markov Chain Analysis Software SoHaR
Markov Chain Maker Edraw
Markov Chain Model Software WinSite
Markov Chain Software Butler
Markov Chain Softwre Download32
Markov Chains Software WionSite

Mathematical References
Book Title
A Cook-Book of Mathematics Vinogradov
CRC Concise Encyclopedia of Mathematics [part 1 of 4] Weisstein
CRC Concise Encyclopedia of Mathematics [part 2 of 4] Weisstein
CRC Concise Encyclopedia of Mathematics [part 3 of 4] Weisstein
CRC Concise Encyclopedia of Mathematics [part 4 of 4] Weisstein
CRC Handbook of Chemistry and Physics Lide
CRC Standard Mathematical Tables and Formulae Zwillinger
CRC Standard Probability and Statistics Tables and Formulae Zwillinger
Dave’s Math Tables
Derivitives and Integrals
DOE Thermodynamics, Heat Transfer, and Fluid Flow v1
DOE Thermodynamics, Heat Transfer, and Fluid Flow v2
DOE Thermodynamics, Heat Transfer, and Fluid Flow v3
Facts on File Geometry Handbook Gorini
Handbook of Integral Equations Polyanin
Handbook of Mathematical Functions With Formulas, Graphs, and Mathematical Tables Abramowitz
Math Handbook of Formulas, Processes and Tricks (Pre-Calc) Whitney
Mathematics for Physics Stone
NIST Digital Library of Mathematical Functions
Schaums Mathematical Handbook of Formulas and Tables
Table of Integrals, Series and Products Gradshteyn
Table of Laplace Transforms Boyd
The Facts on File Calculus Handbook Mahor

Mathematical Logic
Book Title
A Concise Introduction to Mathematical Logic Rautenberg
A Mathematical Introduction to Logic Enderton
A Problem Course in Mathematical Logic Bilaniuk
An Introduction to Formal Logic Magnus
Formal Predicate Calculus Meyling
Formal Semantics and LogicFraassen
Introduction to Mathematical Logic Mendelson
Introduction to Mathematical Logic Podnieks
Mathematical Logic Kleene
Mathematical Logic Leitgeb
Mathematical Logic Quine
Mathematical Logic Schwichtenberg
Mathematical Logic Simpson
Mathematical Logic Exercises Ghidini
Mathematical Logic for Computer Science Ben-Ari
Notes on Mathematical Logic Kueker
Proof, Sets and Logic Holmes
Rules of Inference, Propositional Logic Burgess-Jackson
The Development of Mathematical Logic from Russell to Tarski: 1900 Mancosu
The Mathematical Analysis of Logic Boole
The Open Logic Text

Number Theory
Book Title
250 Problems in Elementary Number Theory Sierpinski
A Computational Introduction to Number Theory and Algebra Shoup
A Course on Number Theory Cameron
Algebra & Number Theory Baker
Algebraic Number Theory Milne
An Introduction to the Theory of Numbers Hardy
An Introduction to the Theory of Numbers Moser
An Introduction to the Theory of Numbers Niven
An Introductory Course in Elementary Number Theory Raji
Analytic Number Theory Strombergsson
Definitions, Solved and Unsolved Problems, Conjectures and Theorems Smarandache
Elementary Number Theory Hefferon
Elementary Number Theory: Primes, Congruences, and Secrets Stein
Introduction to Algebraic Number Theory Stein
Introduction to Number Theory Lecture Notes Boocher
Lectures on Number Theory Lindahl
Notes on the Theory of Algraic Numbers Wright
Number Theory Andrews
Number Theory Borevich
Number Theory Sato
Number Theory and Combinatorics Sury
Number Theory for Mathematical Contests Santos
Number Theory Structures, Examples, and Problems Andreescu
Olympiad Number Theory Through Challenging Problems Stevens
Problems in Elementary Number Theory Vandendriessche
Surfing on the Ocean of Numbers Ibstedt
The Elementary Proof of the Prime Number Theorem Spencer
Theoretic Arithmetic Taylor
Topology of Numbers Hatcher

Numerical Analysis
Book Title
Computing of the Complex Variable Functions Khmelnik
Elementary Numerical Methods and C++ Conley
First Semester in Numerical Analysis with Julia Okten
Geometric Transformation of Finite Element Methods: Theory and Applications Holst
Iterative Methods for Linear and Nonlinear Equations
Lecture Notes on Numerical Analysis of Nonlinear Equations Doedel
Lectures in Basic Computational Numerical Analysis McDonough
Lectures on Numerical Methods for Non-Linear Variational Problems Glowinski
Lectures on The Finite Element Method Ciarlet
Lectures on Topics In Finite Element Solution of Elliptic Problems Mercier
Mathematical Computation Craw
Notes on Numerical Linear Algebra Benthien
Numerical Analysis Gautschi
Numerical Analysis Scott
Numerical Analysis for Engineering Keller
Numerical Analysis I Embree
Numerical Methods Course Notes Pav
Numerical Methods for Conservation Laws LeVequc
Numerical Methods for Large Eigenvalue Problems Barrett2,
Numerical Stability Spijker
Templates for the Solution of Linear Systems Barrett2,
Traveling Wave Solutions of Parabolic Systems Volpert

Probability & Statistics
Book Title
A Modern Introduction to Probability and Statistics Dekking
Introduction to Probability and Statistics for Engineers and Scientists Ross
A Defense of Columbo: A multilevel introduction to probabilistic reasoning D
A Minimum of Stochastics for Scientists Corngold
Advanced Data Analysis from an Elementary Point of View Shalizi
An Introduction to Stochastic PDEs Hairer
Basic Statistics & Probability Formulas
Bayesian Field Theory Lemm
Big Practical Guide to Computer Simulations Jartmann
Convergence of Stochastic Processes Pollard
Correlation and Causality Kenny
Frequently Used Statistics Formulas and Tables
Introduction to Probability Grinstead
Introduction to Probability Theory and Statistics for Linguistics Kracht
Introduction to Probability, Statistics and Random Proceses Pishro-Nik
Introduction to Randomness and Statistics Hartmann
Introductory Statistics
Mathematics Statistics 1 Dobbs
Non-Uniform Random Variate Generation (zip) Devroye
Principles of Data Analysis Saha
Probability and Statistics DeGroot
Probability and Statistics Evans
Probability and Statistics: A Course for Physicists and Engineers Mathai
Theory of Probability: A Historical Essay Sheynin

Projective Geometry
Book Title
Algebraic Geometry Milne
Algebraic Projective Geometry Semple
An Introduction to Finite Geometry Bell
An Introduction to Projective Geometry (for computervision) Birch eld
Foundations of Projective Geometry Hartshorne
Notes on basic algebraic geometry
Perspectives on Projective Geometry Richter-Gebert
Projective Geometry Goteborg
Projective Geometry Veblen
Projective Geometry: A Short Introduction Boyer
Projective Geometry: From Foundations to Applications Beutelspacher

Projective Geometry Research
Book Title
Galois Theory and Projective Geometry Bogomolov
Projective Geometry and Special Relativity Delphenich
The Fundamental Theorem of Projective Geometry Hestenes

Projective Geometry Articles
Book Title
Basics of Projective Geometry
Early Use of Projective Geometry in Art Li
Paul Dirac Talk:Projective Geometry. Origin of Quantum Equations Dirac
Perspective Drawing and Projective Geometry
Projective Geometry
Projective Geometry for All Dillon
Projective geometry- 2D

Algebraic Topology
Book Title
A Concise Course in Algebraic Topology May
Algebraic Topology Hatcher
Algebraic Topology Kriegl
Algebraic Topology Schweigert
Algebraic Topology Starbird
Introduction to Algebraic Topology Cadek
Lecture Notes in Algebraic Topology Davis

Knot Theory
Book Title
An Interactive Intorduction to Knot Theory Johnson
An Introduction to Knot Theory Dye
An Introduction to Knot Theory Keese
An Introduction to Knot Theory Lickorish
Combinatorial Knot Theory Kauffman
Four-manifolds, Geometries and Knots Hillman
Handobook of Knot Theory Menasco
High-dimensional Knot Thoery Ranicki
Intoduction to Knot Theory Crowell
Introduction to Vassiliev Knot Invariants Chmutov
Knot Diagrammatics Kauffman
Knot Invariants and Higher Representation Theory Webster
Knot Knotts Roberts
Knot Theory Livingston
Knot Theory Manturov
Knot Theory Reidmeister
Knot Theory and its Applications Krishnendu
Knots and Links Rolfsen
Knots and Surfaces Gilbert
Teaching and learning of Knot Theory Kowouchi
The Ashley Book of Knots Ashley
The Mathematics of Knots Banogl
Unsolved Problems in Virtual Knot Theory Renn

Differential Topology
Book Title
Differential Algebraic Topology Kreck
Differential Topology Dundas
Differential Topology Hirsch
Introduction to Differential Topology Kaiser
Introduction to Differential Topology Robbin

Book Title
An Introduction to Manifolds Tu
General Topology
General Topology Kelley
General Topology Leinster
Introduction to Topology Renzo
Introduction to Topology Matsumura
Introduction to Topology Mond
Notes on String Topology Cohen
Topology McMullen
Topology I and II Wendl
Topology and Its Applications Basener
Topology for the working mathematician Muger
Topology without Tears Morris

Vector Analysis
Book Title
A Primer on Tensor Calculus Clarke
An Introduction to Tensors for Students of Physics and Engineering Kolecki
Foundations of Mathematical Physics: Vectors, Tensors and Fields Peacock
Introduction to Applied Linear Algebra: Vectors, Matrices and Least Squares Boyd
Introduction to Real Analysis Trench
Introduction to Vector and Tensor Analysis Ferkingho -Borg
Introduction to Vectors and Tensors Volume 1: Linear and Multilinear Algebra Bowen
Introduction to Vectors and Tensors Volume 2: Vector and Tensor Analysis Bowen
Lecture Notes Vector Analysis Avramidi
Multiplication of Vectors and Structure of 3D Euclidean Space Iosipovic
Rotations of Vectors Via Geometric Algebra
Vector Analysis Spain
Vector Analysis Wayland
Vector Analysis
Vector Analysis and an introduction to Tensor Analysis Spiegal
Vector And Tensor Analysis
Vector Calculus Corral
Vector Calculus Krishna
Vector Space Theory Howlett