Table of Contents
Ordinary Differential Equations
Parital Differential Equations
Author | |
A Level Pure Mathematics 1 | Neill |
A level Pure Mathematics 2 & 3 | Neill |
Advanced Calculus | Kaplan |
Advanced Calculus for Applications | Hildebrand |
Applied Calculus | Calaway |
Applied Mathematics for Advanced Level | Mulholland |
Applied Mathematics One | Ketema |
Chaos:Classical and Quantum | Cvitanovi?c, |
Chaos Theory: Two Essays on Market Anarchy | Murphy |
Chaos Theory and Organization | Thietart |
Higher Engineering Mathematics | Bird |
Introduction to Methods of Applied Mathematics | Mauch |
Lecture Notes on Applied Mathematics | Hunter |
Methods of Applied Mathematics | Arbogast |
Music: A Mathematical Offering | Benson |
Operational Methods Applied Mathematics | Carslaw |
Topics in Applied Mathematics and Nonlinear Waves | Jakobsen |
Techniques of Applied Mathematics | Fowler |
Author | |
A Summary of Calculus | Dovermann |
Active Calculus | Boelkins |
Calculus | |
Calculus | Anton |
Calculus | Guichard |
Calculus | Strang |
Calculus | Thomas |
Calculus Applications and Theory | Kuttler |
Calculus Concepts and Contexts | Stewart |
Calculus I | Dawkins |
Calculus I | Marsden |
Calculus I for Computer Science and Statistics Students | Philip |
Calculus II | Dawkins |
Calculus II | Marsden |
Calculus III | Dawkins |
Calculus III | Marsden |
Calculus Made Easy | Thompson |
Calculus: A Modern Approach | Beyer |
Difference Equations to Differential Equations: An Introduction to Calculus | Sloughter |
Differential and Integral Calculus | |
Elementary Calculus: An Approach Using Infinitesimals | Keisler |
Introduction to Calculus V.1 | Heinbockel |
Introduction to Calculus V.2 | Heinbockel |
Reform Calculus: Part I | Finan |
Schaum’s Outlines: Calculus 5th Ed. | |
Single Variable Calculus – Early Transcendentals | Guichard |
Single Variable Calculus – Late Transcendentals | Guichard |
Undertanding Basic Calculus | Chung |
Vector Calculus | Marsden |
Author | |
A Collection of Problems in Differential Calculus | Jungic |
Differential Calculus | NARAYAN |
Differential Calculus of Several Variables | Perkinson |
Lepler’s Laws with an Introduction to Differential Calculus | Plakhotnyk |
Author | |
Integral Calculus | Agarwal |
Integral Calculus Formula Shee |
Author | |
Active Calculus Multivariable | Schlicker |
Multivariable Calculus | Cain |
Multivariable Calculus | Cook |
Multivariable Calculus | Herod |
Multivariable Calculus | Larson |
Multivariable Calculus | Shurman |
Multivariable Calculus | Stewart |
Author | |
Acvanced Calculus | |
Advanced Calculus | |
Advanced Calculus | Buck |
Advanced Calculus | Kaplan |
Advanced Calculus | Loomis |
Advanced Calculus | Taylor |
Advanced Calculus | Weikard |
Advanced Calculus Demystified | Bachman |
Advanced Calculus for Applications | Hildebrand |
Advanced Mathematics for Engineers | Ertel |
Analysis I | Tao |
Analysis II | Tap |
Calculus on Manifolds A Modern Approach to Classical Theorems of Advanced Calculus | Spivak |
Functional Analysis | Rudin |
Multivariable Advanced Calculus | Kuttler |
Principles of Mathematical Analysis | Rudin |
Real and Complex Analysis | Rudin |
Schaum’s Outline: Advanced Calculus | Wede |
Author | |
PreCalculus | Abramson |
PreCalculus with Limits | Larson |
PreCalculus: Workbook for Dummies | Bureger |
PreCalculus | Larson |
PreCalculus | Stitz |
PreCalculus | Tradler |
PreCalculus An Investigation of Functions | Lippman |
Author | |
A Colorful Introduction to Cellular Automata | Capobianco |
Cellular Automata Offer A New Outlook on Life- the Universe and Everthing | Jen |
Cellular Automata: Basic Intro | Tesfatsion |
Complex Dynamics Emerging in Rule 30 with Majority Memory | Mart |
Morphology and Dynamics of Galaxies | Kent |
Wheels – Life and other Mathematical Amusements | Gardner |
Author | |
JCASim: Cellular automata simulation system | Weimer |
Author | |
Asymptotic Differential Algebra | Aschenbrenner |
Differential algebra on lattice Green functions and Calabi Yau operators | Boukra |
Differential Algebraic Lie Algebras | Cassidy |
Differential Algebraic Topology | Kreck |
Notes on Differential Algebra | Dale |
Stability criteria for nonlinear fully implicit differential-algebraic systems | Menrath |
Author | |
A First Course in Discrete Mathematics | Anderson |
Algegraic Number Theory | Mollin |
An Introduction to Combinatorics and Graph Theory | Guichard |
Applied Finite Mathematics Applied Finite Mathematics | Sekhon |
Discrete and Combinatorial Mathematics | Grimaldi |
Discrete Mathematics | Gallier |
Discrete Mathematics | Lov?asz |
Discrete Mathematics and its Applications | Rosen |
Discrete Mathematics DeMystified | Krantz |
Discrete Mathematics for Computer Science | Haggard |
Discrete Mathematics: An Open Introduction | Levin |
Finite Mathematics | waner |
Finite Mathematics | |
Handbook of Discrete and Combinatorial Mathematics | Rosen |
Mathematics for Computer Science | Lehman |
Mathematics: A Discrete Introduction | Scheinerman |
Notes on Discrete Mathematics | Lerma |
Author | |
A Cominatorial Game Theoretic Analysis of Chess Endgames | Wu |
A Course in Game Theory | Osborne |
A Short Introduction to Game Theory | Hotz |
Algorithmic Game Theory | Hotz |
An Introduction to Game Theory | Koc?kesen |
An Introduction to Game Theory | Osborne |
Essentials of Game Theory | Brachman, |
Game Theory | Alive |
Game Theory | Ferguson |
Game Theory | Karlin |
Game Theory | Turocy |
Game Theory Through Examples | Prisner |
Game Theory: Analysis of Conflict | Myerson |
Game Theory: Lecture Notes | Griffin |
Introduction to Game Theory | Cave |
Logic and the Foundations of Game and Decision Theory | Bonanno |
Multiagent Systems: Algorithmic Game-Theoretic and Logical Foundations | Shoham |
Political Game Theory | McCarty |
The Compleat Strategyst | Williams |
Theory Of Games And Economic Behavior | Neumann |
Theory of Games: an Introduction | Raoof |
Author | |
Algebraic Graph Theory | Goetzberger |
An Introduction to Combinatorics and Graph Theory | Guichard |
Fractional Graph Theory | Scheinerman |
Graph Theory | Axenovich |
Graph Theory | Diestel |
Graph Theory | Leighton |
Graph Theory | Ruohonen |
Lecture Notes on Graph Theory | Harju |
Author | |
An Introduction to Spectral Graph Theory | Jiang |
Basics of Graph Theory | |
Intersection Graphs: An Introduction | Pai |
Lectures on Spectral Graph Theory | Chung |
Author | |
An Introduction to Algebraic Graph Theory | Beezer |
Graph Theory and Application | Dooren |
Graph Theory Tutorial | |
Introduction to Graph Theory | Dickson |
Introduction to Graph Theory | Samatova |
Author | |
Prealgebra Textbook | Arnold |
California Algebra 1 | |
Algebra 1 | Larson |
Algebra 1 | Schierer |
Elementary Algebra | Redden |
Equations and Inequalities |
Author | |
Advanced Algebra 2 | |
Algebra and Trigonometry | Abramson |
Algebra 2 and Trigonometry | Gantert |
Glencode Algebra 2 |
Author | |
Beginning and Intermediate Algebra | Wallace |
College Algebra | Abramson |
College Algebra | Sathaye |
College Algebra | Stitz |
College Algebra | |
College Algebra for STEM | Finan |
Lecture Notes: College Algebra | Lee |
Author | |
A Textbook for High School Students Studying Maths. | FHSST |
Compiled and Solved Problems in Geometry and Trigonometry | Smarandache |
Course of Analytical Geometry | Sharipov |
Elementary College Geometry | Africk |
Euclid’s ‘Elements’ Redux | Callahan |
Fundamentals of Geometry | Belyaev |
Geometry | Heinbockel |
Author | |
An Investigation of Functions | Lippman |
Calculus I | Dawkins |
Pre-Calculus 12 | |
First Semester Calculus | Angenent |
Pre-Calculus: Mathematics for Calculus | Stewart |
Pre-Calculus | Abramson |
Pre-Calculus | Collingwood |
Pre-Calculus | Kuniyuki |
Pre-Calculus | Stitz |
Pre-Calculus | Sullivan |
Pre-Calculus | Tradler |
Pre-Calculus An Investigation of Functions | Lippman |
Pre-Calculus with Geometry and Trigonometry | Sathaye |
Pre-Calculus: Workbook for Dummies | Bureger |
Pre-Calculus with Limits | Larson |
Author | |
A Semester Course in Trigonometry | Finan |
College Trigonometry | Stitz |
Compiled and Solved Problems in Geometry and Tronometry | |
CK-12 Trigonometry | Landers |
Plane Trigonometry | Dresden |
Spherical Trigonometry | Todunter |
The Young Trigonometer’s Compleat Guide Being the Mystery and Rationale of Spherical Trigonometry Made Clear and Easy | |
Trigonometry | Corral |
Trigonometry | Lenov |
Trigonometry | Sundstrom |
Trigonometry Notes | Sy |
Author | |
Geometry Notes | Acellus |
Geometry I Lecture Notes | Salamon |
Introduction to the Geometry of the Triangle | Yiu |
Plane Geometry | Wentworth |
The Pythagorean Theorem: Crown Jewel of Mathematics | Sparks |
Author | |
A Modern Approach to Operations Management | Roy |
An Introduction to Linear Programming | Miller |
An Introduction to Linear Programmng and Game Theory | Thie |
Introduction to Linear Optimization | Bertsimas |
Introduction to Mathematical Optimization | Robinson |
Linear and Nonlinear Programming | Luenberger |
Linear Programming | Ferguson |
Linear Programming | Goemans |
Linear Programming | Islam |
Linear Programming | |
Linear Programming | |
Linear Programming Notes | Lee |
Linear programming, graphically | |
Linear Programming, Lagrange Multipliers, and Duality | Gordon |
Linear Programming and Extensions ch. (1-8) | Dantzig |
Linear Programming znd Extensions ch. (9-20) | Dantzig |
Linear Programming and Extensions ch. (21-29) | Dantzig |
Linear Programming and Network Flows | Bazaraa |
Linear Programming Foundations and Extensions | Vangerbei |
Linear Programming: Theory and Applications | Lewis |
Transportation Problem: A Special Case for Linear Programming | Reeb |
Author | |
An Intrduction to Markov Chains | Tolver |
An Introduction to Markov Chain Monte Carlo | Hohendor |
Foundations of Data Science | Blum |
Handbook of Markov Chain Monte Carlo | Brooks |
Inntroduction to Markov Chains | Geyer |
Introduction to Markov chains | Behrends |
Markov Chains | Mitta; |
Markov Chains | Yale |
Markov Chains | |
Markov Chains – Norris | Peres |
Markov chains – Statistical Laboratory | |
Markov Chains and Mixing Times | Levin |
Markov Chains Monte Carlo in Practice | Gilks |
Markov Chains Monte Carlo Simulation | |
Stochastic Processes |
Author | |
A Brief Introducion to Markov Chains and Hidden Markov Models | MacKenzie |
An Introduction to Hidden Markov Models | Rabiner |
An Introduction to Markov Chains | Pratiksha |
An Introduction to Markov Modelling | Boyd |
An Introduction to MCMC for Machine Learning | Amdrieu |
Introduction to Markov chains | Soni |
Introduction to Markov Models | Ramos |
Likelihood-free Markov chain Monte Carlo | Sosspm |
Markov Chains | Istban |
Markov Chains Notes | Leveque |
Markov Chains Notes | Weckesser |
Markov Chains: An Introduction/Review | Siri |
Markov Chains: Introduction | |
Skip-free Markov Chains | Choi |
Author | |
JAGS: Just Another Givvs Sampler | |
Markov Chain Analysis Software | SoHaR |
Markov Chain Maker | Edraw |
Markov Chain Model Software | WinSite |
Markov Chain Software | Butler |
Markov Chain Softwre | Download32 |
Markov Chains Software | WionSite |
Author | |
A Concise Introduction to Mathematical Logic | Rautenberg |
A Mathematical Introduction to Logic | Enderton |
A Problem Course in Mathematical Logic | Bilaniuk |
An Introduction to Formal Logic | Magnus |
Formal Predicate Calculus | Meyling |
Formal Semantics and LogicFraassen | |
Introduction to Mathematical Logic | Mendelson |
Introduction to Mathematical Logic | Podnieks |
Mathematical Logic | Kleene |
Mathematical Logic | Leitgeb |
Mathematical Logic | Quine |
Mathematical Logic | Schwichtenberg |
Mathematical Logic | Simpson |
Mathematical Logic Exercises | Ghidini |
Mathematical Logic for Computer Science | Ben-Ari |
Notes on Mathematical Logic | Kueker |
Proof, Sets and Logic | Holmes |
Rules of Inference, Propositional Logic | Burgess-Jackson |
The Development of Mathematical Logic from Russell to Tarski: 1900 | Mancosu |
The Mathematical Analysis of Logic | Boole |
The Open Logic Text |
Author | |
Algebraic Geometry | Milne |
Algebraic Projective Geometry | Semple |
An Introduction to Finite Geometry | Bell |
An Introduction to Projective Geometry (for computervision) | Bircheld |
Foundations of Projective Geometry | Hartshorne |
Notes on basic algebraic geometry | |
Perspectives on Projective Geometry | Richter-Gebert |
Projective Geometry | Goteborg |
Projective Geometry | Veblen |
Projective Geometry: A Short Introduction | Boyer |
Projective Geometry: From Foundations to Applications | Beutelspacher |
Author | |
Galois Theory and Projective Geometry | Bogomolov |
Projective Geometry and Special Relativity | Delphenich |
The Fundamental Theorem of Projective Geometry | Hestenes |
Author | |
Basics of Projective Geometry | |
Early Use of Projective Geometry in Art | Li |
Paul Dirac Talk:Projective Geometry. Origin of Quantum Equations | Dirac |
Perspective Drawing and Projective Geometry | |
Projective Geometry | |
Projective Geometry for All | Dillon |
Projective geometry- 2D |
Author | |
A Concise Course in Algebraic Topology | May |
Algebraic Topology | Hatcher |
Algebraic Topology | Kriegl |
Algebraic Topology | Schweigert |
Algebraic Topology | Starbird |
Introduction to Algebraic Topology | Cadek |
Lecture Notes in Algebraic Topology | Davis |
Author | |
An Interactive Intorduction to Knot Theory | Johnson |
An Introduction to Knot Theory | Dye |
An Introduction to Knot Theory | Keese |
An Introduction to Knot Theory | Lickorish |
Combinatorial Knot Theory | Kauffman |
Four-manifolds, Geometries and Knots | Hillman |
Handobook of Knot Theory | Menasco |
High-dimensional Knot Thoery | Ranicki |
Intoduction to Knot Theory | Crowell |
Introduction to Vassiliev Knot Invariants | Chmutov |
Knot Diagrammatics | Kauffman |
Knot Invariants and Higher Representation Theory | Webster |
Knot Knotts | Roberts |
Knot Theory | Livingston |
Knot Theory | Manturov |
Knot Theory | Reidmeister |
Knot Theory and its Applications | Krishnendu |
Knots and Links | Rolfsen |
Knots and Surfaces | Gilbert |
Teaching and learning of Knot Theory | Kowouchi |
The Ashley Book of Knots | Ashley |
The Mathematics of Knots | Banogl |
Unsolved Problems in Virtual Knot Theory | Renn |
Author | |
Differential Algebraic Topology | Kreck |
Differential Topology | Dundas |
Differential Topology | Hirsch |
Introduction to Differential Topology | Kaiser |
Introduction to Differential Topology | Robbin |
Author | |
An Introduction to Manifolds | Tu |
General Topology | |
General Topology | Kelley |
General Topology | Leinster |
Introduction to Topology | Renzo |
Introduction to Topology | Matsumura |
Introduction to Topology | Mond |
Notes on String Topology | Cohen |
Topology | McMullen |
Topology I and II | Wendl |
Topology and Its Applications | Basener |
Topology for the working mathematician | Muger |
Topology without Tears | Morris |