Book Title
An Introduction to Astronomy Moulton
Astronomy Fraknoi
Astronomy for Beginners
Astronomy: Principles and Practice roy
Basics of Radio Astronomy for the Goldstone-Apple Valley Radio Telescope Miller
Black Holes Townsend
Cosmic Rays and the Search for a Lorentz Invariance Violation Bietenholz
Dense Matter in Compact Stars Schmitt
Getting Started in Astronomy
High-energy Neutrino Astronomy: The Cosmic Ray Connection Halzen
History of high-energy neutrino astronomy Spiering
Lecture notes on the formation and early evolution of planetary systems Armitage
Massive Stars and their Supernovae Thielemann
Philip’s Atlas of The Universe
Philip? Astronomy Encyclopedia
Planetary Photometry Fairbairn
Protoplanetary Disks and Their Evolution Williams
Radio Astronomy for Amateurs Moore
The Complete Idiot’s Guide to Astronomy De Pree

Book Title
A practical guide to Basic Statistical Techniques for Data Analysis in Cosmology Verde
An Introduction to Modern Cosmology Liddle
An Introduction to Quantum Cosmology Cooke
An Introduction to the Theory of Cosmological Structure Formation Knobel
Applied Cosmography: A Pedagogical Review Bolotin
Bohmian quantum gravity and cosmology Pinto-Neto
Consistent cosmological modifications to the Einstein equations Skordis
Cosmology and Astrophysics Garcia-Bellido
Cosmology, The Origin and Evolution of Cosmic Structure Coles
Ekpyrotic and Cyclic Cosmology Lehners
First Light Loeb
Introduction to Cosmology Roos
Introduction to Cosmology Ryden
Introduction to Cosmology Lyth
Introduction to General Relativity and Cosmology Puetzfeld
Introduction to Inflationary Cosmology Lazarides
Introduction to Mathematical Cosmology Islam
Introductory Lectures on Quantum Cosmology Halliwell
Loop Quantum Cosmology on a Torus Lamon
Magnetic Fields, Strings and Cosmology Giovannini
Particle Physics and Inflationary Cosmology Linde
Principles of cosmology and gravitation Berry
String Cosmology Cline
Superstring Cosmology Lidsey
Supersymmetric homogeneous Quantum Schreibe
The Beginning and Evolution of the Universe Ratra
The First Three Minutes Weinberg
Weak gravitational lensing Hoekstra
Astrophysics and Cosmology Bellido

Book Title
A Concise Introduction to Astrophysics Kachelrieb
An Introduction to Black Hole Evaporation Traschen
An introduction to black holes Seahra
Astophysics and Cosmology Bellido
Astrochemistry: The Issue of Molecular Complexity in Astrophysical Environments De Becker
Black Holes : A General Introduction Luminet
Chemistry in Protoplanetary Disks Henning
Cosmic Rays in Galactic and Extragalactic Magnetic Fields Aharonian
Gravitational Wave Experiments and Early Universe Cosmology Maggiore
Gravitational-wave driven instability of rotating relativistic stars Lockitch
Introduction to black hole astrophysics Romero
Introduction to General Relativity, Black Holes, Cosmology Choquet-Bruhat
Introduction to Non-Baryonic Dark Matter Gondolo
Introducton to the Theory of Black Holes Hooft
Iterative Approach to Gravitational Lensing Theory Kling
Protoplanetary Disks and Their Evolution Williams
Particle Astrophysics Perkins
Fundamental Unsolved Proglems in Physics and Astrophysics Watson

Atomic Physics
Book Title
Atomic_Physics Ewart
Fundamentals in Nuclear Physics Abdullah
Fundamentals in Nuclear Physics Basdevant
Fusion Physics Kikuchi
Introduction to Atomic and Nuclear Physics Semat
Introductory Nuclear Physics Krane
Lectures on Atomic Physics Johnson
Lectures on Atomic Physics Johnson
Nuclear and Particle Physics Walet
Physics of Atoms and Molecules Heyne
The Physics of Subatomic Particles Walfrom

Electricity & Magnetism
Book Title
A Student’s Guide to Maxwell’s Equations Fleisch
A Treatise on Electricity & Magnetism – Vo;. 1 Maxwell
A Treatise on Electricity & Magnetism – Vol. 2 Maxwell
A treatise on electricity and magnetism Maxwell
Basic Laws Of Electromagnetism Irodov
Classical Electricity and Magnetism Panofsky
Classical Electrodynamics Atland
Classical Electrodynamics Brown
Classical Electrodynamics Jackson
Classical Electrodynamics Tao
Classical Electromagnetism Fitzpatrick
Electricity and Magnetism Crowell
Electricity and Magnetism Jefimenko
Electricity and Magnetism Purcell
Electrodynamics Bengtsson
Electromagnetic Field Theory Thidé
Electromagnetic field theory for physicists and engineers: Fundamentals and Applications Martin
Electromagnetic wave propagation Jenn
Elements of Electromanetics Sadiku
Foundations of the Electromagnetic Theory Krikos
Fundamentals of Electric Circuits Alexander
Funky Electromagnetic Concepts Michelsen
Introduction to Electrodynamics Griffiths
Lectures on Electromagnetism Tong
Lectures on Wave Propagation Whitham
Maxwell’s Equations and the Principles of Electromagnetism Fitzpatrick
Modern Electrodynamics Zangwill
Spacetime algebra as a powerful tool for electromagnetism Dressel
Theory of Electromagnetic Fields Wolski
Theory of electromagnetic wave propagation Papas
Understanding the Finite-Difference Time-Domain Method Schneider
Variational Principle of Extremum in Electromechanical and Electrodynamic Khmelnik

Book Title
A Brief Introduction to Physics for Mathematicians Dolgachev
A Miscellany of Mathematical Physics Balakrishnan
Advanced Mathematical Methods for Scientists and Engineers Mauch
Algebraic Quantum Field Theory Halvorson
Complex Geometry of Nature and General Relativity Esposito
Funky Mathematica Physics Concepts Michelsen
Holomorphic methods in analysis and mathematical Physics Hall
Homological Methods in Equations of Mathematical Physics Krasil/Shchik
Introductory Lectures on Turbulence McDonough
Lecture notes for Mathematical Physics Minahan
Lectures on Mathematica Statistical Mechanics Adams
Mathematical Methods for Introductory Physics Brown
Mathematical Methods for Physics NielsWalet
Mathematical Methods of Classical Physics Cortes
Mathematical Methods of Theorectical Physics Svozil
Mathematical Musical Physics of the Wave Equation
Mathematical Preparation Course Hefft
Mathematical Structures in Physics Schweigert
Mathematical Tools for Physics Nearing
Maths for Physics Brett
Ordinary Differential Equations and Dynamical Systems Teschl
Partial Differential Equations of Mathematical Physics Symes
Principles of Mathematical Physics Figueroa-O-Farrill
The Physical Basis of Dimensional Analysis Sonin
Topics in Mathematical Physics Debray

Book Title
An Introduction to Mechanics Kleppner
Analytical Mechanics Legrange
Classical Mechanics Tayler
Classical Mechanics: A Contemporary Approach Jose
Classical Mechanics: Point, Particles and Relativity Greiner
Continuum Mechanics: Elastic Solids Abeyaratne
Elementary Mechanics from a Mathematician’s Viewpoint Spivak
Foundations of Mechanics Abraham
Funadmental Laws of Mechanics Irdov
Introduction to Classical Mechanics With Problems and Solutions Morin
Introduction to the Mechanics of a Coninuous Medium Malvern
Mathematical Aspects of Classical and Celestial Mechanics Arnold
Mathematical Methods of Classical Mechanics Arnold
Mechanics Landau
Mechanics Symon
Variational Principles in Classical Mechanics Cline
Variational Principles of Mechanics Lanczos

Book Title
Advanced Modern Physics Walecka
Concepts of Modern Physics
Funadmentals of Moden Physics Nolan
Introduction to Modern Physics: Theoretical Foundation Walecka
Lecture Notes on Special Relativity Cresser
Modern Physics Notes
Modern_Physics Serway
Modern_Physics Tipler
Nodern Physics Faustus
Physics for Scientists and Engineers Serway
Principles of Modern Physics Leighton
Principles of Modern Physics Miller

Book Title
Applied Optics Miller
Crystal Optics: Properties and Applications Bain
Fundamentals of Modern Optics Pertsch
Fundamentals of Non-linear Optics Ponomarenko
Fundamentals of Optics Jenkins
Fundamentals of Photonics Saleh
Fundamentals of Quantum Optice Jenkins
Geometric Optics Ewart
Opticcs Crowell
Opticks: or a Teatise of the Reflections, Refractions, Inflections and Colours of Light Newton
Optics Smith
Physics of Light and Optics Peatross
Principles of Optics Born
Schaum’s Theory and Problems of Optics Hecht

College Physics
Book Title
Cambridge International AS and A Level Physics Sang
College Physics Urone
College Physics
Feynman Lectures on Physics Vol. 1 – 3 Feynman
General Physics I: Classical Mechanics Simpson
Introductory Physics I: Elementary Mechanics Brown
Introductory Physics II: Electricity, Magnetism and Optics Brown
Lecture Notes for College Physics I
Mathematical Methods for Introductory Physics Brown
Physics Walker
Physics Vol. 1 Halliday
Principles of Physics Serway
University Physics Vol. 1 Ling
University Physics Vol. 1 Sanny
University Physics Vol. 2 Sanny
University Physics Vol. 3 Sanny
University Physics with Modern Physics Young

Book Title
Advanced Quantum Mechanics Sakuri
Funadmental Quantum Mechanics for Engineers Dommelen
Fundamental Quantum Mechaics for Engineers Dommelen
Introduction to Quantum Mechanics Griffiths
Introduction to Quantum Mechanics Phillips
Modern Quantum Mechanics Sakuri
Principles of Quantum Mechanics Shankar
Quantum Computer Science Mermin
Quantum Field Theory Tong
Quantum Mechanics Rae
Quantum Mechanics Made Simple Lecture Notes Chew
Quantum Mechanics Vol. 1 Messiah
Quantum Mechanics Vol. 2 Messiah
Quantum Physics Eisberg
Quantum Physics Scheck
Quantum Physics
Quantum Physics for Dummies Gasiorowicz
Quantum Physics for Dummies Holzner
Spectral Theory and Quantum Mechanics Moretti
The Physics of Quantum Mechanics Binney
The Theory of the Quantum World Gross
Toplogical Quantum Matter & Quantum Comutation Stanescu

Book Title
A First Course in String Theory Zweibach
An Introduction to String Theory Wray
D_Branes Johnson
D-Brane Primer Johnson
Introduction to Gauge/Gravity Duality Polchinski
Introduction to String Field Theory Siegal
Introduction to String Theory Beisert
Introduction to String Theory Schellekens
Introduction to String Theory Weigand
Introduction to Superstring Theory Kirtsis
Lecture Notes on String Theory Israel
Lecture Notes on Supersymmetry Zhou
Lectures on String Theory McAllister
String Theory Tong
String Theory for Dummies Jones
String Theory Vol. 1 Polchinski
String Theory: And Overview Louis
The Elegant Universe Green

Book Title
Classical Electrodynamics Tao
Classical Electrodynamics Part 2 Brown
Classical Mechanics Goldstein
Mathematical Methods of Theorectical Physics Svozil
Theoretical Physics: Electrodnamics of Conbtinuous Media Vol. 8 Landau
Theoretical Physics: Fluid Mechanics Vol. 6 Landau
Theoretical Physics: Mechanics Vol. 1 Landau
Theoretical Physics: Physical Kinetics Vol. 10 Landau
Theoretical Physics: Quantum Mechanics Vol. 3 Landau
Theoretical Physics: Relativistic Quantum Theory: Vol. 4 Landau
Theoretical Physics: Statistical Physics part 2 Vol. 9 Landau
Theoretical Physics: Statistical Physics Vol. 5 Landau
Theoretical Physics: The Classical Theory of Fields Vol. 2 Landau
Theoretical Physics: Theory of Elasticity Vol. 7 Landau
Theoretical_Mechanics Maas
Theoretical_Physics Dutailly

Book Title
An Introduction to Thermal Physics Schroeder
An Introduction to Thermodynamics Suo
DOE Fundamental Handbook Volume 1
DOE Fundamental Handbook Volume 2
DOE Fundamental Handbook Volume 3
Engineering Thermodynamics Gao
Entropy and its Physical Meaning Dugdale
Entropy and the Second Law of Thermodynamics Thompson
Heat Transfe:r A Practical Approach Cengal
Heat Transfer Handbook Nelson
Introduction to Thermodynamics with Applications
Lectures on Heat and Thermodynamics Fowler
Modern Thermodynamics Denker
Statistical Physics Tong
Statistical Thermodynamics Tien
Theory and Problems of Heat Transfer Pitts
Thermal and Theoretical Physics Terentjev
Thermodynamics and Statistical Mechanics Fitzpatrick
Thermodynamics of Materials OCW
Thernal and Statistical Physics Galla

High School Physics
Book Title
Algebra ased College Physics: Part I Zurcher
Algebra ased College Physics: Part II Zurcher
College Physics Urone
College Physics Young
Physics Giambattista
Physics Giancoli
Worked Examples from Introductory Physics (Algebra–Based)Vol. I: Basic Mechanics Murdock